Les savoirs du peuple–folklore. Bouki, source d’une sagesse.
Related : Indigeneity in New Yorker.
You've got to dig to dig it, you dig?
The constitutional mandate of Haiti’s de facto ruler, Prime Minister Ariel Henry — which some viewed as questionable from the start, as he was never technically sworn in — ended more than a year ago.
The country has had no president since its last one, Jovenel Moïse, was assassinated in 2021. Its Senate is supposed to have 30 members, and its lower legislative chamber should have 119; all of those seats are unfilled. Haiti’s elected mayors were all reappointed or replaced in 2020.
And last week, its 10 remaining senators departed office after their terms ended, leaving behind a nation’s worth of elected offices that now sit empty after years of canceled elections.
The country of 12 million people last held national elections in 2016.
Rampant inflation has sent the cost of food and gas spiraling; food insecurity is so widespread that about 40% of the population do not have enough to eat. And the disasters have combined to keep thousands of the country’s schools closed, meaning millions of Haitian children have lacked steady education and meals since the beginning of the pandemic.
via NPR.
Related : Haïti-France, les chaînes de la dette. Le rapport Mackau (1825) édition intégrale annotée et commentée par Marcel Dorigny†, Jean-Marie Théodat, Gusti-Klara Gaillard et Jean-Claude Bruffaerts chez Maisonneuve & Larose / Hémisphères éditions, 2021, 201 p. ISBN : 9782377011179 http://www.sfhom.com/spip.php?article3915
quoique d’origine rurale, … la manifestation des bandes de Rara est loin d’être quelque chose d’exclusivement champêtre. En effet, de la campagne à la ville comme dans la capitale d’Haïti, c’est une période rythmée, entre autres, par les tambours et les vaksin.
Abimaël Lindor, Palmes Magazine, 13 Août 2021.
De son site ou lakou (espace comprenant plusieurs unités de logement, souvent un lieu de culte vodou), une bande se déplace avec quelques dizaines de personnes et augmente en cours de route
[…]Les déplacements des bandes avaient surtout lieu la nuit et se déroulaient dans les sites vodou et leur périphérie. L’activité d’une bande de rara était comparable à celle d’une petite armée appelée à défendre un territoire. La dénomination de plusieurs bandes à Léogâne en témoigne : «Chien méchant», «Renommée», «Taureau lakou», «Tirailleurs», ce dernier étant le nom d’une ancienne unité d’élite de l’armée d’Haïti. L’effectif d’une bande de rara ne dépassait pas une cinquantaine de personnes, souvent des adeptes du vodou. Les musiciens jouaient de petits instruments traditionnels : coquille de lambi, vaksin, râpe en fer blanc, tige de fer et tambour.
Avec l’organisation du festival de rara à partir de 1992 et l’arrivée de nouveaux dirigeants scolarisés et/ou issus de la diaspora, le rara s’est transformé totalement. Il est devenu, lors des fêtes de Pâques, le rendez-vous de plusieurs milliers d’Haïtiens.
Joseph Ronald Dautruche, l’Inventaire du patrimoine immatériel d’Haïti
One thing you find running through Haitian music throughout its history is a focus on
Haitian identity. Haitians are really keenly aware that they are a small nation, a particular
people, with a very singular identity.Haitians are always aware that they’re in a transnational, global order, in a hemisphere full of other
Elizabeth McAlister
Transcript of podcast. More in archived page rara.wesleyan.edu
Related : obscénités et vulgarités–catharsis pour les Haïtiens de toutes les classes sociales
À la fin du parcours, Mawoule et ses pairs ont remis un drapeau hautement symbolique aux autorités municipales. Avec le soleil au milieu, « ce drapeau traduit la tradition des Tainos et la culture de la canne à sucre tendant à disparaitre de la commune », expliquent-ils, espérant que l’étendard sera pris en considération et hissé.
Emmanuel Saintus, Journal Haïti Progrès
We, Christopher Udemezue and Carolyn Lazard of RAGGA NYC, are raising funds for LGBTQ+ Haitians who have been affected by the August 14th earthquake.
Through crowdsourcing our extended communities and offering a print sale from RAGGA NYC’s chosen family of Caribbean diaspora artists, we aim to raise $10,000 for KOURAJ, an LGBTQ+ Haitian organization providing hygiene and food kits to the 1200+ LGBTQ+ Haitians affected by the earthquake.
RAGGA NYC, a platform and network for queer Caribbean artists, has set up a GoFundMe campaign and is offering prints to the first 30 people who donate over $200, the amount needed to fund a hygiene and food kit from KOURAJ for each of Haiti’s 1200+ LGBTQ+ people who have been displaced by the August 15th earthquake.
Untitled (Gathered in the fold — for plenitude and a regimen fortifying courage)
Allons! […] We convince by our presence.
The August 14, 2021 M 7.2 Haiti earthquake occurred as the result of oblique reverse motion along the Enriquillo-Plantain Garden fault zone, ~125 km west of the Haitian capital Port-au-Prince. The earthquake occurred at shallow depths on either a reverse fault striking west and dipping to the north with a component of left-lateral slip, or a fault striking southeast and dipping to the southwest with a component of right-lateral slip. At the location of the earthquake, the local plate boundary is dominated by left-lateral strike slip motion and compression. The plate boundary in this location accommodates eastward, left-lateral motion of the Caribbean plate relative to the North America plate. Within this context, the earthquake likely occurred on the east-west striking, north dipping fault plane with a component of left-lateral slip.
via https://earthquake.usgs.gov
Earthquakes (1900 – 2019) https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/tectonic/images/caribbean_tsum.pdf
081521 : Le Nouvelliste – 1 297 décès, 5 700 blessés, plus de 13 000 maisons détruites, nouveau bilan provisoire du séisme.