The August 14, 2021 M 7.2 Haiti earthquake occurred as the result of oblique reverse motion along the Enriquillo-Plantain Garden fault zone, ~125 km west of the Haitian capital Port-au-Prince. The earthquake occurred at shallow depths on either a reverse fault striking west and dipping to the north with a component of left-lateral slip, or a fault striking southeast and dipping to the southwest with a component of right-lateral slip. At the location of the earthquake, the local plate boundary is dominated by left-lateral strike slip motion and compression. The plate boundary in this location accommodates eastward, left-lateral motion of the Caribbean plate relative to the North America plate. Within this context, the earthquake likely occurred on the east-west striking, north dipping fault plane with a component of left-lateral slip.
Earthquakes (1900 – 2019)
081521 : Le Nouvelliste – 1 297 décès, 5 700 blessés, plus de 13 000 maisons détruites, nouveau bilan provisoire du séisme.