AG2025_1144951a or rendering witness accounts about life


Only the plants will ever know, Wysocka / Pogo. 2021.

Michael Marder. Also at the Philosophical Salon.

A Philosophy of Stories Plants Tell, M.Marder.Plant Stories.pdf, 2023.
“plants not only silently tell us something (indeed, a great deal) about themselves and the world, but also that they tell stories, rendering witness accounts about life and death, light and darkness, middles, beginnings, and ends.

Plant-Thinking, A Philosophy of Vegetal Life, 2013.
“Reconstructing the life of plants “after metaphysics,” Marder focuses on their unique temporality, freedom, and material knowledge or wisdom. In his formulation, “plant-thinking” is the non-cognitive, non-ideational, and non-imagistic mode of thinking proper to plants, as much as the process of bringing human thought itself back to its roots and rendering it plantlike.”

Plants in Place, A Phenomenology of the Vegetal, Edward S. Casey and Michael Marder, 2023.
“vegetal existence involves many place-based forms of change: stems growing upward, roots spreading outward, fronds unfurling in response to sunlight, seeds traveling across wide distances, and other intricate relationships with the surrounding world.”

Philosophy of the Home, Emanuele Coccia, Richard Dixon (Translator), 2024. Interview in Pin-Up.

This video, made in 1986, documents some of the testimony given in the Trial of Titled Arc. The artwork on trial is Richard Serra’s public sculpture, Tilted Arc, commissioned and installed by the U.S. government in 1981. Four years later, a public hearing was held to consider the removal of the sculpture from its site in Federal Plaza in New York City. Richard Serra and other artists, politicians and community members speak in defense of Tilted Arc, on public art, and the role of the government and the of the people in shaping the public’s visual environment.
1986, 28 minutes, Paper Tiger.

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