

Alejandro Chacoff, in New York Review, on Clarice Lispector and Brazilian crônica and fiction.

“… crônicas do feed on a certain amount of friction—strange incidents, uncomfortable interactions with strangers, conversations with cab drivers (Lispector has a couple of very good pieces on this topic). […] The crônica demands a certain capacity for boredom, for being open to fleeting, small scenes of the quotidian.”

In New Yorker, a Lispector lost interview. An article (2015).

Maya Rossana Cú Choc, Poesía De Lo Propio, 2005(?)

Nací mujer
al llanto

                        desde siempre
                        bebí palabras
                        sumergidas en sueños

en mis dos países
hubo muros que
aún quiero derribar

                        -botar piedras de siglos
                        no es fácil
                        para cuatro niñas
                        de cinco años –

en mis dos países
aprendía a amar
a las de mi piel

                        de mi voz
                        de mi cuerpo
                        de mis lenguas

nunca encontré
mi camino
lo sigo buscando
                        nací mujer
                        nací sola
                        crecí sola

bebí palabras sumergidas en sueños — I drank words submerged in dreams

en mis dos países hubo muros que aún quiero derribar — in my two countries there were walls that I still want to tear down

Poem via wp and 23 Bienal de Arte Paiz (13-30 July 2023, Francine Birbragher-Rozencwaig and Juan Canela, curators).

AG2023_1033826a or quetzal


Heterotopias, place that opens behind the surface, holds an over-there-ness, represent a “reservoir of imagination” (MF). Within the fold. A garden as a microcosmic world build out of the juxtaposition or arrangement of elements. Place with temporal shifts and/or fragments. A cruise ship. An airport.

Plate: Calurus resplendens
Accepted: Pharomachrus mocinno
Common: Resplendent Quetzal



L’imaginaire de mon lieu est relié à la réalité imaginable des lieux du monde, et tout inversement. L’archipel est cette réalité source, non pas unique, d’où sont sécrétés ces imaginaires : le schème de l’appartenance et de la relation, en même temps.

Glissant, Édouard, Philosophie de la Relation, Paris, Gallimard, 2009.

“the imaginary of my place is related to the imaginable reality in all places …”

Releted(?) : heterotopias–“In Of Other Spaces Foucault coined the term “heterotopias” to signify “all the other real sites that can be found within the culture” which “are simultaneously represented, contested, and inverted.” For Foucault, heterotopic spaces were first of all spaces of crisis, or transformative spaces …”

Shine your light for the world to see

January 19, 2023, Joey Bada$$ covers Yasiin Bey’s ‘UMI Says.’

Umi said shine your light on the world
Shine your light for the world to see


I want black people to be free, to be free, to be free
All my people to be free, to be free, to be free
All black people to be free, to be free, to be free
