AG2023_1055345a or apology for this human world


Cozy Apologia by Rita Dove

For Fred

I could pick anything and think of you—

This lamp, the wind-still rain, the glossy blue

My pen exudes, drying matte, upon the page.

I could choose any hero, any cause or age

And, sure as shooting arrows to the heart,

Astride a dappled mare, legs braced as far apart

As standing in silver stirrups will allow—

There you’ll be, with furrowed brow

And chain mail glinting, to set me free:

One eye smiling, the other firm upon the enemy.

This post-postmodern age is all business: compact disks

And faxes, a do-it-now-and-take-no-risks

Event. Today a hurricane is nudging up the coast,

Oddly male: Big Bad Floyd, who brings a host

Of daydreams: awkward reminiscences

Of teenage crushes on worthless boys

Whose only talent was to kiss you senseless.

They all had sissy names—Marcel, Percy, Dewey;

Were thin as licorice and as chewy,

Sweet with a dark and hollow center. Floyd’s

Cussing up a storm. You’re bunkered in your

Aerie, I’m perched in mine

(Twin desks, computers, hardwood floors):

We’re content, but fall short of the Divine.

Still, it’s embarrassing, this happiness—

Who’s satisfied simply with what’s good for us,

When has the ordinary ever been news?

And yet, because nothing else will do

To keep me from melancholy (call it blues),

I fill this stolen time with you.

Neither rosy nor prim; prefers the chorus to the heap of disturbance


Untitled (Neither rosy nor prim; prefers the chorus to the heap of disturbance) 

Locust Projects BINGO BASH!, June 9, 2023.

Poetically speaking, growing up is mediocrity.

Neither rosy nor prim,
not cousin to the cowslip
nor the extravagant fuchsia,
I doubt anyone has ever
picked one for show,
though the woods must be fringed
with their lemony effusions.

Sun blathers its baronial
endorsement, but they refuse
to join the ranks. Summer
brings them in armfuls,
yet, when the day is large,
you won’t see them fluttering
the length of the road.

They’ll wait until the world’s
tucked in and the sky’s
one ceaseless shimmer – then
lift their saturated eyelids
and blaze, blaze
all night long
for no one.

Rita Dove (via UVA)