The Right To Plant Veggies In Front Yard

NPR reports “After 6-Year Battle, Florida Couple Wins The Right To Plant Veggies In Front Yard”

a Florida law went into effect that nullifies local bans on vegetable gardens at residential properties.

She lamented that the fight even had to happen. “We had a beautiful, nutritious garden for many years before the Village went out of its way to ban it and then threatened us with ruinous fines,” she said.

Why would she lament?


The exhibition Women Geometers, organized by the Atchugarry Art Center in association with Piero Atchugarry Gallery and curated by Adriana Herrera.

The artists gathered in Women Geometers are (in chronological order of birth): Loló Soldevilla (Cuba, 1901-1971), Gego (Germany, 1912- Venezuela 1994), María Freire (Uruguay, 1917-2015), Mira Schendel (Switzerland, 1919- Brazil, 1988), Regina Aprijaskis (France, 1919- Perú 2013), Lygia Clark (Brazil, 1920), Lygia Pape (Brazil, 1927-2004), Zilia Sánchez (Cuba, 1926), Mercedes Pardo (Venezuela, 1921-2005), Lia Bermúdez (Caracas, 1930), Fanny Sanín (Colombia, 1938) and Lydia Okumura (Brazil, 1948).

Fanny Sanín
Loló Soldevilla
Atchugarry Art Center
June 29 – September 14, 2019
5520 NE 4th Ave.
Miami, Fl. 33137
305 639 8247