Malcolm X directed by Spike Lee, released November 18, 1992.

Related (I think) —

Vaughn Spann, AlmineRech; David Castillo.

Marked man (Mitchell), 2019. Mixed media on wooden panel. 60 x 48 inches. Acquired by Pérez Art Museum Miami.

The is a notable and instantly recognizable letter and symbol. Spann described his own experience being stop and frisked by the police—the way his body became an X as it occurred. The X is also a target, a place to aim, to focus your attention. The series provides plenty of room for the viewer to project their own interpretations as well, given the X’s broad historical implications and associations. The first time I encountered Marked Man (Mitchell) (2019), I related it all to Spann’s personal anecdote, noting the connection between his and where my own mind took me upon encountering this work. The two are separate but the link is clear—the broader experience, the commentary on contemporary life—it comes alive for anyone paying attention to the intricacies of modern Black life. The viewer is to come forward prepared to bring with them their own world and unique purview. Spann’s paintings are not merely a reflection of his own but instead an invitation to share yours. The works function as a catalyst, allowing the viewer imaginative freedom.

Smoke Signals, September 03 — October 10, 2020. AlmineRech, Brussels. Press Release, text by Maritza Lacayo.