espere, en este edén
se bebe, se lee, se teme,
se repele, se embellece
¿se embellece?
¡se embellece!
tres veces reses
tres veces trenes
es excelente
(te ves endeble)
de frente, enter
espere, ¿enter?
¿qué tejes?
Célebre, Legna Rodríguez Iglesias, in Diario de Cuba.
We are watchers, Frida—
aching but obedient to light,
resurrected by shocks of color.
[…]We are aficionados. Pregnant
with joy in the garden’s cosmos.
We pursue hues like lovers’
lips, stalk columns of yellow
calla-lilies, praise the allure
of honey-petalled sunflowers
and the lobes of violet irises.
We thrive on iridescence—
our eyes attuned to its blessing.
Watchers. We bend near
in reverence to the bloom—
all pain humbled, stilled
for a time by beauty.
Desperate Beauty, Gail Goepfert