AG2024_1099721a keeps me living


I know the practical, it will keep you breathing; awe, on the other hand, is what makes you (me) want to keep living. (JK)

A garden is the place to tend to the subtler, life-sustaining regiment of our lives. A place to cultivate the imaginary, hope, and expectations held in budding plants, intimated by the unfurling of new flower, the subtler and supporting reasons to toil and labor, should be the right of every citizen.
Thought, sunshine, and flowers: time to think and imagine, to take in the sun and breathe unhurriedly, and to tend to plants within their temporality. (RS)

Beauty will come to them  

Where they stand.


Trees need not walk the earth 

For beauty or for bread;  

Beauty will come to them  

In the rainbow—  

The sunlight—  

And the lilac-haunted rain

David Rosenthal