The Witch hadn’t wanted any money and she looked at the two hundred pesos that Chabela put on the table with such disgust that Norma was sure she would burn it the moment they left the house, which they did immediately after the Witch handed them the potion, to Norma’s great relief. But once outside, on the dirt track that led back to Chabela’s, they heard the Witch calling after them from the kitchen door in that strange voice of hers, somehow both gruff and high-pitched at once, and Norma spun around and understood that the Witch was calling her, even though she’d already pulled her veil back down over her face: You have to drink it all! she shouted. You’ll retch but you have to drink it all! It’ll feel like your insides are being torn out, but hang in there . . . ! Don’t be afraid! You just push and push until . . . ! And then bury it!
Hurricane Season, Fernanda Melchor
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