The world as it emerges from many winters of delay

Janet Batet’s article in hypermediamagazine. On curious use of nicknames, lack of empathy and binding to an image of America by some Cubans.

Karens, black men, and the world. via on the media.

On Monday, an unarmed black man in Minneapolis named George Floyd was brutally murdered by a police officer, catalyzing a new wave of protests against racist police violence in cities across the country. That same day, a white woman walking her dog in Central Park called 911 on a black man who was birdwatching in the same part of the park.

… And so in a real sense our nation’s summers of riots are caused by our nation’s winters of delay.

Martin Luther King

Yanick Lahens sur la situation en Haiti

Entretien avec ici-radio-canada :

“Une population jeune qui est aussi ouverte vers l’extérieur avec les réseaux sociaux. Et puis, l’information circule dans toutes les couches de la société.

Les mouvements d’échanges avec la diaspora font que vous avez une population ouverte sur le monde qui est aujourd’hui marginalisée depuis quand même 200 ans, et qui aujourd’hui demande de pouvoir participer non seulement à la vie politique, mais aussi d’avoir accès à un certain nombre de choses comme l’eau, une école de qualité, des services de santé.”


Working Artists and the Greater Economy(W.A.G.E.) launches WAGENCY.

It turns out that an industry organized around profiting from unpaid labor requires more than a certification program to keep it in line – it requires artists to mobilize together as a workforce. WAGENCY is how we propose to collectivize our leverage and self-organize around the demand to be paid. We built WAGENCY for artists who need to earn money in order to survive, and who refuse to support a multi-billion dollar industry through their exploitation by it.

Decree 349

Issued by the [Cuban] government in July, Decree 349 aims to give the authorities total control over artistic production. Those affected include musicians, artists, writers, and performers, as well as the venues that allow creatives to host events that weren’t first approved by the Ministry of Culture. Those found in violation of the decree, which will be enforced starting December 1, will face fines, property seizure, and jail.

via ArtForum. Repeating Islands compiled some online responses, including the open letter addressed to Mr. Díaz-Canel Bermúdez. Miami Herald.