Images of MNP’s Paper Chase

Some installation views of Paper Chase, at Marisa Newman Projects.3.PaperChase_MarisaNewman1.PaperChase_MarisaNewman12.PaperChase_MarisaNewman10.PaperChase_MarisaNewman6.PaperChase_MarisaNewman11.PaperChase_MarisaNewman4.PaperChase_MarisaNewman

A group exhibition featuring works by Helen Beckman, Jude Broughan, Carolyn Carr, Khatia Esartia, Adriana Farmiga, Chris Fennell, Lynne Golob Gelfman, Adler Guerrier, Gerben Mulder, Pierre Obando and Alessandra Olanow.  Show runs through March 22, 2019.