AG2023_2080754a or palm metonymy


is your moment–the one
you’ll remember (the hot breath
of August breeze, the sun
white in the sky, the trickle of sweat
on his neck
Remember this is how the small survive”

Laura Kasischke, Palm

“Swords and Friendship the card says.
Monday your lucky day, seven is rare.

You will encounter a great, lasing friendship.
The future beckons; your loves will prosper”

John Waller, Hyeres Les Palmiers

“The palm … is the show’s leitmotif: “a symbol of wealth, elegance, fertility, exoticism, and order,” Yto Barrada (Bindoun). Palm Project Manifesto (L’appartement 22).

Cinematheque Tangier, November 21, 2013 – May 18, 2014, Walker Art Center.