

Onomatopoeia: Animal Sounds

baagoat / sheep
buzzinsects like bees, mosquitoes, or flies
neighhorse’s sound
woof / bow-wowa sound of a dog’s bark

All that is submerged, encased

I have known only my own shallows—
Safe, plumbed places,
Where I was wont to preen myself.

But for the abyss
I wanted a plank beneath
And horizons…

I was afraid of the silence
And the slipping toe-hold…

Oh, could I now dive
Into the unexplored deeps of me—
Delve and bring up and give
All that is submerged, encased, unfolded,
That is yet the best

Submerged, Lola Ridge

my quest, to know myself. 
To chart and compass this unfathomed sea, 
Myself must plumb the boundless universe.

Quest, Carrie Williams Clifford

Eden in Post

AG2022_2040228a or the void does not beckon as it used to


Sustained by poetry, fed anew
by its fires
to return from madness,
the void does not beckon as it used to.

Littered with syllables, the road does not loom
as a chasm. The hand of strangers on other
doors does not hurt, the breath of gods

does not desert, but looms large
as a dream, a prairie within our dream,
to which we return, when we need to.

Oh blessed plain, oh pointed chasm.

II Alone, John Wieners

What lives on

He was as a god,
stepped out of eternal dream
along the boardwalk.

He looked at my girl,
a dream to herself and
that was the end of them.

They disappeared beside the sea
at Revere Beach as
I aint seen them since.

If you find anyone
answering their description
please let me know. I need them

to carry the weight of my life
The old gods are gone. What lives on
in my heart

is their flesh
like a wound,
a tomb, a bomb.

Billie, John Wieners


AG2024_2100729a or On a fait ce qu’on pouvait


Lors d’un constat effectué au lendemain de l’attaque, des trousseaux de clés de la prison, des uniformes de police ainsi que des documents administratifs ont été retrouvés à même le sol, selon un des deux rapports obtenus par AyiboPost. Les cadenas et barrières pour la plupart étaient brisés.

«On a fait ce qu’on pouvait», déclare à AyiboPost Pierre René François, le directeur de la DAP. «On n’avait pas seulement le pénitencier national à consolider», dit-il. «Il y avait aussi le palais national, la base de l’Unité Départementale de Maintien de l’Ordre (UDMO), le commissariat de Port-au-Prince, l’aéroport… les bandits étaient partout et ce n’était pas facile à gérer.»

Widlore Mérancourt et Rolph Louis-Jeune for Ayibopost

It is easy to criticize US/UN involvement in Haiti. But who will help in maintaining some sense of order? And how?