Marisa Newman Projects
Category: design
Drawing Papers 114 – Woods
Currently at Drawing Center
Expériences des frères Montgolfier à Versailles, le 19 septembre 1783 : [estampe]
Expérience des frères Montgolfier, le 19 septembre 1783, à Versailles : [estampe]
Herrn von Montgolfier wichtige Endekung der Luft Machine : [estampe]
Machine aerostatique, de Mr. Montgolfier, construite dans le Jardin de Mr. Réveillon, rue de Montreuil Fauxbourg St Antoine au depens de l’Académie Royale des Sciences. Pl. IV : [estampe] / Sellier sculp
In honor of her Majesty’s birthday. Under the immediate patronage of the Queen. Royal zoological gardens, Surrey. On Thursday, May 24th., 1838. The first ascent of the great Montgolfier balloon will take place at these gardens … [by J. W. Hoar] : [affiche]
municipal typography
[Call to Artist] Austin Cary Forest Learning Center
Call to Artists – Open to all SA+AH (includes New World School of the Arts) and SFRC Faculty, Alumni, Staff, and Students
Project information including building elevations and floor plans :
Applications are due March 21, 2014.
Hypnerotomachia Poliphili
Hypnerotomachia Poliphili, via Thames & Hudson; also offers images of the woodcuts. T&H, in 1999, published an english translation of the text; they attribute Francesco Colonna as the author.
Here is the book jacket text :
It is hard to believe that the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili, printed by Aldus Manutius in 1499, one of the most famous books in the world, read by every Renaissance intellectual and endlessly referred to in studies of art and culture ever since, has never appeared in English. One reason, no doubt, is the length and difficulty of the text. It is a strange, pagan, pedantic, erotic, allegorical, mythological romance relating in highly stylized Italian the quest of Poliphilo for his beloved Polia. The author (presumed to be Francesco Colonna, a friar of dubious reputation) was obsessed by architecture, landscape and costume – it is not going too far to say sexually obsessed – and its 174 woodcuts are a primary source for Renaissance ideas on both buildings and gardens. In 1592 a beginning was made to produce an English version but the translator gave up after only a third of the text. Now, at last, the task has been triumphantly accomplished by Joscelyn Godwin, who succeeds in reproducing all its wayward charm and arcane learning in language accessible to the modern reader.
Liane Lefaivre, in 1997, attributes the book to Leon Battista Alberti.
Codex99 considered it.
Memorial University has a biographical page.
Talk at the LAB
Presented by MoCA and the LAB.
Saturday, November 23, 2PM at The LAB Miami
Workshop continues with informal presentations by media theorist Mckenzie Wark and Miami artists Adler Guerrier and Felice Grodin.
Local artists engage in an open discussion addressing issues of critique and media theory introduced in the previous evening’s lecture. Conversation is structured around modes of artistic production.