Bridget Riley, Wall Works 1983–2023

Galerie Max Hetzler is pleased to present Wall Works 1983–2023, a solo exhibition of Bridget Riley’s work in Potsdamer Straße 77-87 (Berlin, 9 June – 19 August 2023). This is the artist’s ninth solo exhibition with the gallery and represents the most comprehensive retrospective of her wall paintings to date. Thirteen compositions, half of which are loaned by international public collections and four of which are new, offer an overview of this important body of work.

‘Those entering the exhibition rooms of Galerie Max Hetzler will have the opportunity to fully immerse themselves in the world of the British painter Bridget Riley (b. 1931). Thirteen large-format paintings stretch across the walls, spread over two floors. Together, the works form a serene school of vision. For Riley, the act of seeing is not a given. On the contrary, viewing, observing, looking, and focusing are actions which are often misunderstood by their performers. According to the artist, the challenge of modern art is “learning to paint once more and to reinvent painting for oneself.” Her point of departure lies in the many ways in which the world appears to us, and the question of how one might translate seeing into painting. Riley considers so-called “realism” to be a misunderstanding. In a 1998 conversation, she sums up the misconception of what we consider as painted reality, noting: “people would be very shocked indeed if the world itself was as dead in its appearance as they seem to expect a painting to be.”

So, how do we see? The presented murals are composed of elements of visible phenomena – the toolbox of appearances. Colour. Shape. Light. Darkness. Outline. Form. Support. Yet, the impression that these minimalist forms go hand in hand with a simple visual experience is deceptive. Perception plays tricks on us. Dancing to the Music of Time, for instance, is the title of a work created for the National Gallery of Australia, Canberra, in 2022. Here, what appears to be a collection of disparate dots suddenly begins to move as the viewer’s gaze sweeps across the surface. The eye, Riley notes, is “surprised by flashes of light.” Similarly, in Composition with Circles 5 from 2005, our sense of sight falters as the circles begin to oscillate. There is no primary or secondary narrative; our lenses try in vain to focus.

In her paintings, Riley takes up a tradition that reaches far back into art history. In the 19th century, no movement was more concerned with the phenomenon of perception than Impressionism, as demonstrated by the French painter Georges Seurat, in whose works cities and their inhabitants dissolve into trembling dots which could disperse at any moment, like flocks of birds. In the same period, the tricks played on us by light and shadow prompted the German physicist and physiologist Hermann von Helmholtz to quip that the human eye is “a badly crafted instrument” which he would feel “fully justified in returning”, if sold to him by an optician. Afterimages, false colours, flashes of light – Helmholtz’s list of grievances was long. Riley, however, turns this assessment on its head, presenting these supposed weaknesses as strengths. The idiosyncrasies of the eye form the basis for the pleasure of seeing. They are not flaws at all, but rather provide the abundance from which art can draw.

This diversity is a constant theme in Riley’s work; in Intervals Wall Painting, 2021, simple chords of colour in three varying tones prompt optical surprises; in Rajasthan, 2012, the eye searches in vain for the boundary where the painting ends and the wall begins; in Cosmos, 2017, the dots seem to float above the wall like a constellation of stars in space, alternating between proximity and distance.

Julia Voss??

Installation views. Angel, 2022.

Guía de campo

Via Juan Canela:

La serie “Field Guide (Guía de campo)” de Adler Guerrier incluye fotografías, obras en papel y grabados en tela en diálogo con pensamientos sobre los espacios caribeños, ritos, gestos simbólicos y el marco cultural de su paisaje. Las obras reflejan un compromiso continuo con el estudio del lugar, lo que contiene y la interpretación de sus texturas como forma y lenguaje, tanto literario como visual.

En cada lugar donde presenta la serie, Guerrier considera un aspecto particular del sitio, definido por una escala íntima y un uso cotidiano modesto, que se convierte en el espacio para un discurso sostenido sobre lo material, lo social y lo aspiracional.

Para la 23 Bienal de Arte Paiz, Guerrier desarrolla una instalación de obras nuevas destinadas a un espectador en Antigua Guatemala, que conocerá el paisaje de la diáspora negra Miami-Haití-Caribe. Trabajando en este campo y con estos pensamientos, Guerrier comprende el lugar y el paisaje como sitio y escenario. A través de sus obras, reordena las narrativas, los objetos y las relaciones para enmendar
lo encontrado y establecido por la historia, actualizándolos con los lenguajes de lo imaginario.

Registro fotográfico: dirección de arte, Karen Bethancourt; producción, Byron Mármol.
Cortesía de Fundación Paiz

“bebí palabras sumergidas en sueños”
Curadores: Francine Birbragher-Rozencwaig (@fbirbragher) y Juan Canela (@juan_canela_)
Asamblea curatorial: Minia Biabiany, Marilyn Boror Bor, Duen Sacchi y Juana Valdés
Programa de saberes compartidos, @esperanzadeleon3
Actividades: 30 de marzo al 30 de julio
Exposición: 13 al 30 de julio

Lampoon on Sparkling Islands 

Debora Vitulano covers Sparkling Islands: Another Postcard of the Caribbean, for Lampoon Magazine (051923).

Sparkling Islands: Another Postcard of the Caribbean is a collective exhibition born from the initiative of Caryl Ivrisse Crochemar, founder of the Espace d’art contemporain 14N61W, an art gallery located in Fort-de-France, on the island of Martinique.

«Last year at 1-54 New York edition we discussed about doing a focus on artists of African descent, whether they were based in the United States, in the Caribbean or elsewhere, in order to strengthen their tides with the African diaspora in the art scene, because they still seemed to be worlds apart, even though they are actually linked. This is not something that comes naturally for both communities, but the integration of our gallery in 1-54 for so many years aroused the interest of many Caribbean artists towards the fair».  

When thinking about the Caribbean, most people – whether they have ever visited the archipelago or not – picture sunny beaches and crystal-clear waters. Sparkling Islands: Another Postcard of the Caribbean does not wish to contradict such image, but to expand it: «There is also the historical part, the broken history of the Caribbean in general, the pre-Columbian history, the proto-colonial history, the post-colonial history and the present development».

In such a variety of themes there was «a multitude of possible messages», but the curators preferred to conceive the exhibition in the «simplest way possible, as a series of snapshots, just like the postcards you send to your friends from a holiday vacation». Still, these postcards tell a different story from the mainstream narration of the Caribbean archipelago: «We attract the visitors’ attention towards something that they would probably pass by if they went to the Caribbean. It is 2023 and we are at a crossroads of many things in culture, identity, gender, and we need to experience this diversity as creatively as we can».

The artworks featured in the exhibition neither follow any particular red thread nor aim to offer an overall insight of Caribbean art and culture: «This would have been impossible; the exhibition is just an open door to a much vaster environment. The Caribbean is neither compact nor homogeneous. Due to its history, which we may call “a discontinuous continuity”, the archipelago is a melting pot. It is not to be forgotten that the Caribbean were the first point of entry into America for the West, both Europe and Africa. So, when you pull one thread, you just end up pulling many, such as identity, diversity, cultural mixing, colonialism, post-colonialism, future. In the end, the only possible red thread is the public, who will be able to take all the information received from the exhibition in the direction they choose».

Adler Guerrier was born in Haiti, but now works in Miami. He uses the form of collage – which he regards as a democratizing technique – to subvert space and time in constructions of race, ethnicity, class and culture.

The complete article.


Sparkling Islands, Another Postcard of the Caribbean at High Line Nine. Photo : Eva Sakellarides

1-54 is pleased to present Sparkling Islands, Another Postcard of the Caribbean, a group exhibition of contemporary Caribbean artists coinciding with the fair’s 9th New York edition. This is the first exhibition by 1-54 Presents, a new programme of pop-up exhibitions by 1-54 Contemporary African Art Fair; curated by Caryl Ivrisse Crochemar; 11 – 20 May 2023.

bebí palabras sumergidas en sueños

bebí palabras sumergidas en sueños, XXIII Bienal de Arte Paiz, Guatemala.

Carolina Alvarado (Guatemala); Margarita Azurdia (Guatemala); Minia Biabiany (Guadalupe); Marilyn Boror Bor (Guatemala); Zoila Andrea Coc-Chang (Guatemala); Josué Castro (Guatemala); Tz’aqaat – Cheen Cortez y Manuel Chavajay (Guatemala); Roberto Benjamín Escobar (Guatemala); Laia Estruch (España); Adler Guerrier (Haití-USA); Colectivo Ixcrear – Elena Caal, Ixmukane e Ixmayab Quib – (Guatemala); Yavheni de León (Guatemala); Ana Mendieta (Cuba-Estados Unidos); Fina Miralles (España); Helen Mirra (USA); Julieth Morales (Colombia); Verónica Navas González (Costa Rica); María Thereza Negreiros (Brasil-Colombia); La Nueva Cultura Material – Bryan Castro y Valeria Leiva – (Guatemala); Itziar Okaritz (España); Eliazar Ortiz Roa (República Dominicana); Sallisa Rosa (Brasil); Colectivo Tzaquol (Guatemala); Lourdes de la Riva (Guatemala); Duen Sacchi (Argentina); Cecilia Vicuña (Chile); Juana Valdés (Cuba-Estados Unidos); Martin Wannan (Guatemala); Risseth Yangüez Singh (Panamá); Itzel Yard (Panamá)

bebí palabras sumergidas en sueños es un fragmento de un poema de Maya Cú, una de las referentes de la poesía maya en Guatemala, cuyo cuerpo de obra representa la búsqueda de la identidad estableciendo una genealogía femenina y una herencia en resistencia. Sus versos acompañan la construcción de este proyecto, cuyos temas, ideas, participantes y estructura han ido tomando forma en un proceso de trabajo colectivo con una asamblea curatorial convocada por Francine Birbragher-Rozencwaig y Juan Canela y conformada junto a Minia Biabiany, Marilyn Boror Bor, Duen Sacchi y Juana Valdés. A partir de las primeras intuiciones compartidas, las distintas conversaciones y encuentros se han ido trenzando alrededor de las vinculaciones existentes entre lengua, cuerpo y territorio. Escritura, oralidad, relato, corporalidad, presencia, movimiento, comunidad, territorialidad, paisaje, naturaleza, o comunidad son algunos conceptos que emergen a partir de esas relaciones, articulando narrativas que desafían relatos hegemónicos, e imaginando futuros que ahondan en posibilidades de vidas en común.

El proyecto se construye a partir de una polifonía de voces que emergen del diálogo con las artistas participantes y las reflexiones que emanan de sus trabajos. Voces y gestos que brotan de cada territorio específico a partir de experimentar con lo próximo para articular espacios de encuentro. Existe una voluntad inequívoca de trabajar desde certezas no definidas que nacen de espacios intuitivos y de sólidas espiritualidades diversas. Los distintos proyectos se adentran en territorios lingüísticos, poéticos, oníricos, telúricos, políticos, anímicos, emocionales o afectivos en los que toman forma materialidades, subjetividades y deseos desde la voluntad de componer puentes.

Además de las obras presentadas en exposición, se desarrolla un Programa de saberes compartidos curado por Esperanza de León. Un plan de recursos de mediación pensados para introducir la bienal en un desplazamiento gradual, que, de menor a mayor complejidad, acercan las temáticas a los públicos expandiendo la temporalidad de la misma. La idea es que estos formatos pedagógicos y discursivos se abran desde el encuentro de saberes y conocimientos complementarios, y a los que se invita al público general, artistas locales o comunidades específicas. Comprendiendo la necesidad de pensar este tipo de actividades de mediación con unos tiempos propios que exceden lo expositivo, el programa comienza en el mes de marzo, abriendo la posibilidad de los encuentros con las audiencias desde antes de comenzar la muestra, y comprendiendo la bienal como un proyecto cuya complejidad se desarrolla con distintos formatos, intensidades, vibraciones y acciones.

Ante la crisis climática, social y estructural de las sociedades globales, es fundamental abrazar la escucha amplia, la mirada atenta, la atención cercana y la ternura radical. Que los sorbos oníricos de cada lengua hagan recordar las palabras de las abuelas y honrar a las ancestras, para así imaginar un futuro común capaz de tejernos a las unas con las otras.

Francine Birbragher-Rozencwaig y Juan Canela

Asamblea curatorial
Minia Biabiany, Marilyn Boror Bor, Duen Sacchi y Juana Valdés

Programa de saberes compartidos
Esperanza de León

30 marzo – 30 julio 2023

13 – 30 Julio 2023

[Sedes Ciudad de Guatemala]Centro Cultural de España, Centro Cultural Municipal Álvaro Arzú Irigoyen, Portal de La Sexta

[Sedes Antigua]La Nueva Fábrica, Centro de Formación de La Cooperación Española

Room for/Souvenir

Locust Projects presents Locust Projects presents Room for the living/ Room for the dead, a new site-specific commissioned project by Miami-based artist T. Eliott Mansa.

The immersive and interactive installation merges the concept of Florida / Family rooms as a home’s casual, social hub for gathering, entertainment and play, with that of less-used living rooms that served as shrines for treasured family photos and heirlooms. Inspired/influenced by the artist’s friend and writer Noelle Barnes’ living room and the artist’s own memories of sunken living rooms of the 1970s, the artist considers the cultural phenomena of the living room as unlived, unoccupied, untouched spaces that children and guests were prohibited from using.

T. Eliott Mansa: Room for the living/Room for the dead 2022, installation view at Locust Projects. Photography by Zachary Balber.

Kerry James Marshall’s exhibition, Mementos, at the Renaissance Society in 1998, is a requiem to the 60s, a decade synonymous with the Civil Rights Movement.

Conceived as an installation for the Renaissance Society, it features three new paintings, two sculptural components, a video projection and is replete with an angelic pantheon of African-American cultural and political figures who died between 1959 and 1979. Marshall uses the genre of history painting to reread the legacy of the Civil Rights Movement and the whole of African-American History in relation to a very complex present.

This exhibition traveled to Brooklyn Museum of Art; San Francisco Museum of Fine Art; Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston; Santa Monica Museum; and Boise At Museum.

Kerry James Marshall, Souvenir I, 1997, acrylic with glitter on unstretched canvas, 9 x 13 feet, Courtesy of Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, Bernice and Kenneth Newberger Fund.

Marshall modeled the settings of the Souvenir series after black middle class living rooms that have the shrine-like quality of Depression-proof interiors, as static and eternal as a plastic plant in a plastic pot. They are rooms where loved ones captured in the first generation of color photography yellow to the tick of a too accurate clock. There is a place for everything and everything is in its place, including the gaudy yet priceless souvenir cherished as a reminder of people and places that make up a life. It is where memorabilia from the births, graduations, weddings, anniversaries and funerals of a hundred distant relatives are preserved. For African Americans, all of whose lives were in some way affected by the struggle for equality, it is impossible to think of a room made claustrophobic with memories that does not double as a shrine to saints Kennedy and King.

Hamza Walker, To Fulfill these Rights
Kerry James Marshall, Souvenir II, 1997, Acrylic with glitter on unstretched canvas, 9 x 13 feet, Courtesy of Addison Gallery of Art, purchased as a gift of the Addison Advisory Council in honor of John (Jock) M. Reynold’s directorship, 1989-1998.
Kerry James Marshall, Souvenir III, 1998, Acrylic with glitter on unstretched canvas, 9 x 13 feet, Courtesy of San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.
Kerry James Marshall, Souvenir IV, 1998, Acrylic with glitter on unstretched canvas, 9 x 13 feet, Courtesy of Whitney Museum of American Art.